UltraFind™ 2.0 For Macintosh and Power Macintosh Designed and Programmed by Julian Linford and Steve Linford. Copyright © 1993-1995 UltraDesign Technology Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Please read the Software Registration information further on, for details of how to register this copy and get access to free ongoing upgrades & support.                                                       UltraFind is a high speed professional Find File and Batch Filer utility that will find anything, anywhere on your system or network. Using just scraps of information, UltraFind will search any mounted media; hard disks, SyQuests, CDs and Opticals (It will even search remote volumes over a modem using Apple Remote Access). Whether you're looking for images, documents, fonts, sounds, filters, XTensions, programs or Email messages, UltraFind will get them for you at lightning speed. If you are searching for text, UltraFind will find documents by words, names, numbers, codes, keywords, captions, titles or authors etc., and will even cross-reference words with its built-in Thesaurus. And it doesn't stop there. Once it has found the files you need, UltraFind will give detailed information on them, open, copy or move them across disks or the network, back up, re-label, or trash them. Search result lists are sorted by name, size, kind or date, and can be exported as a Tab-separated text file. The program can even read files without opening them, or read files that you can't open because the application is missing or the document is damaged -and it can copy the text out. Files found are displayed in a series of 3 listing windows (switched by pressing the spacebar), in which you can sort, and view hierarchical tree structure and pathways. File information can be displayed simply by moving the cursor over a file's icon. Search routines can be saved for repeated use. To find out what UltraFind can do for you, please read the first few lines of the Help Manual (Quick Start), available by pressing your HELP key, or by selecting 'Help' from the File Menu. You can also print the Help Manual out. This version runs native on Macintosh 68K and Power Macintosh 600 series.                                                       INSTALLATION We suggest you either put UltraFind into your Apple Menu, or drag it out onto your desktop and leave it in the bottom-left corner of your screen. UltraFind contains it's own Command Key enabling you to call it up from within any application by pressing . To enable the Command Key, select "Preferences" from the File Menu and click "Enable". On some 24 Bit monitors UltraFind may require more memory to utilise it's off-screen G-World (with low memory it will use ordinary drawing routines which can give a slight screen flicker). To use the off-screen G-World and get a smoother screen display, inclrease UltraFind's memory to roughly 1400K.                                                       ABOUT THIS COPY This is a full working copy of UltraFind. You are welcome to use it and try it out for 30 days, after which, if you like it you must register it. Registering is very easy: just press the button below, fill in the form and post, fax or Email it to us. You will be sent a User License and serial number that will unlock this copy, removing the delays and registration reminders and personalising it to you. Registered Users also have access to FREE upgrades and FREE support.                                                       IF I LIKE IT, WHAT DOES IT COST? A Single User License costs: 25 UK Pounds or 38 US Dollars. You can pay either by Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, EuroCard or JCB only), or by check in UK Pounds or US Dollars (drawn on a U.S. bank). To register this copy, print the registration form and send it to us: By Email: Send a message to: usereg@ultratec.demon.co.uk With your Name, Company, Full Address and Card details -Card Number, Expiry Date & Cardholder name. (We will Email you an unlock code back normally within 2 or 3 days.) By Fax:   Fill in the form and fax it to us on: +44 -171-630-9105 By Post: Fill in the form and mail it to us at the address on the form (Checks should be made payable to "UltraDesign Technology Ltd.") (Please contact us for Site Licenses for 5,10,50,100 and Unlimited Users.)                                                       UPGRADE INFORMATION UltraFind is upgraded periodically to incorporate new features and take advantage of new Apple technologies. For information please contact us at: UltraDesign Technology Ltd. Tel: +44 171 931 0010 5/39 St.George's Square Fax: +44 171 630 9105 London SW1V 3QN United Kingdom Internet: find@ultratec.demon.co.uk The latest version can always be found on the major systems: CompuServe, NiftyServe, eWorld, AppleLink, AOL and Genie. On the Internet you can get upgrades, support and latest version information from our WebSite at: www.demon.co.uk/ultratec/ultrafind.html Or you can ftp upgrades direct from: ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mac/ultratec For further information, please see the Help Manual (press your [Help] key now or see 'Help' in the File Menu).                                                       DISTRIBUTING ULTRAFIND You are welcome to distribute UNREGISTERED copies of UltraFind to other users, User Groups, Bulletin Boards and Macintosh FTP sites on the Internet. However, please distribute UltraFind in its original compressed archive together with its documentation. The only distribution restrictions are: You may not sell, lease, rent or loan this Software, distribute registered versions of this Software, or distribute this Software in any commercial format without the prior written consent of UltraDesign Technology Ltd. Apple Magazines: You are welcome to distribute this software to your Users. If you require any information, upgrades or specifications, please Email us or see: http://www.demon.co.uk/ultratec/ultrafind.html                                                       SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT By using this Software you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. If you do not agree to the terms of this license you must remove this Software from your system and not use it. TERMINATION You may try this Software for a maximum period of 30 days, after which time if you do not wish to pay the License fee, you are required to destroy this program and all copies thereof. DISCLAIMER This Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. UltraDesign Technology Ltd. does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of this Software or its accompanying documentation in terms of their accuracy, reliability or otherwise. You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of this Software is entirely at your own risk.                                                       UltraDesign Technology Ltd. designs and develops software exclusively for the Apple Macintosh. Thank you for trying UltraFind, we hope it serves you well. Julian and Steve Linford ~